The Sight–
Standing tall
Noble features, gentle eyes
A twinkle of mischief to enhance
their hue
You were the villain and the madman
Though we knew these you could never
You were the hero
And there, the best in you was added
his triumph
How gracefully you moved
Through tale and daydream
Towering over many
Yet esteeming all
The Sound–
Sweet baritone timbre
A symphony of expression
Deep and commanding–striking dark
Soft and tender–eliciting trust
You ruled the stage with that voice
There was no place to hide from it
But they never sought to hide
Nor was this their desire
Surely they longed to take it with
And listen as they slipped away
To dream of it
The Whole of you–
We cannot be sated
To see you, to hear you
Let us treasure this gift always
Those who journeyed with you
Said that every moment was magic
They cherished–so we cherish
You loved–and so we hope
You would have thought us worth loving
We miss you
Though you left us before we knew you
We know you by what you left